Saturday, January 18, 2014

Chapter 114: "Taking it On."

Life after the hospital; New endeavors; A great chance at an awesome job-("awesome" is my word for this show;) Having to move-soon; The possibility of outpatient therapy; Candy and hot chocolate; Relying on "BtVS" quotes to help me through; Being a big nerd/geek; Coming to terms with my religion; The "awesome" nerdy/geeky-ness of Katie Whiting (Katie, the theme song for this chapter is for you) and her Etsy shop "knuckletoes," which you can check out for some fun and exciting nerd-ness-which is very cool as well-find her at:; The amazing and "awesome" Dave Curoe of "DaddyDDesign," and his jewelry inspired by "MC Escher, HR Giger, Art Nouveau, and Art Deco"-you can find him at:; My fantastic friend and equally fantastic writer Jimmy Reed and his segment "Notions of the Damned;" Reading from "Like the Universe Gasping for Air;" Much love to you and yours!!!!

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